Swivel bending tool to bend joggle with two different angles

Mould to bend pipe clamps

Tool to bend omega profile with oblique sides

Joggle tool

U channel profile in thick sheet metal

toolset to bend U channel and 90° bending in one hit

90° bend with die with cam and offset punch

Arc-shaped profile

Drop-shaped profile

Hemming tool for C-shaped profile

Toolset for rectangular profile

Radius profile with R13,5

90° profile with side edges

Swivel bending tool


Carpana S.r.l.

Via Giulio Fornari, 15 / 17a / 17b

43124 Vigatto (Parma)

Phone: +39 0521 635400

Fax: +39 0521 635450

Email: sales@carpana.it

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